Muscle relaxant wrinkle treatment

KOSMAGIC | Muscle relaxant wrinkle treatment
Muscle relaxant wrinkle treatment
Muscle relaxants and hyaluronic acid differ greatly in the way they work. The decisive factor for the use of these different options is exclusively the area of application of the desired wrinkle treatment. Our professional team of medical practitioners will be happy to advise you on your desired outcome prior to each treatment and will help you maintain the natural look of your face. Combination treatments also achieve the best results.
Let’s first look at the muscle relaxant. It belongs to the neurotoxins and has a muscle-relaxing and thus wrinkle-reducing effect. By paralysing the transmission of stimuli from the nerve endings to the muscle fibres, we achieve a relaxing effect in our treatments. After a treatment with muscle relaxants, the muscle can no longer be contracted as usual. The wrinkles caused by tense facial muscles are greatly reduced.
These properties of muscle relaxants help to reduce expression lines such as crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, frown lines and also nasal wrinkles. Your face will have a more positive appearance. Migraines can also be reduced by a targeted injection with muscle relaxants.
Our medical practitioners will be happy to provide you with information about this.

Your questions – our answers:

What is muscle relaxant?

The preparation of our muscle relaxant, which was first approved in the USA, is a bacterially produced bioprotein with a potent and specific inhibiting effect on the transmission of nerve signals to muscle cells and glands.
For which facial wrinkles is the muscle relaxant used?

The muscle relaxant is excellent for treating the upper half of the face. Frown lines, forehead wrinkles, eye wrinkles and crow’s feet are the most frequently mentioned treatment areas where very good results are achieved. In addition, there are the areas of application of muscle relaxants in aesthetic medicine. Lower eyelid wrinkles, smoker’s lines and chin wrinkles are mostly treated specifically here. Other possibilities such as lifting eyebrows are also possible with muscle relaxant treatments. Treatments in the lower half of the face should be preceded by intensive consultations with our specialists, as is the case when used against heavy sweating.

What does a muscle relaxant treatment look like?

Muscle relaxants addresses the nerve signals. These are inhibited and thus work for your wrinkle treatment. If the injections of the neurotoxin are placed precisely in the mimic muscles intended for a positive change, the muscles there are weakened or completely paralysed. Here, the dose chosen determines the desired effect. The result is a smoothing of the skin folds; also from the mimic movement.
How does our muscle relaxant work?

‘For ever young’? If our muscle relaxant is perfectly adapted to your needs and applied precisely, a conscious relaxation of the mimic muscles occurs. We understand the term ‘slow aging’ to mean a long-term, low-dose muscle relaxant treatment. It can keep an adult face looking youthfully fresh for longer, especially if you also choose a healthy lifestyle.

Do you have to expect pain during treatment with our muscle relaxant?

We work with very fine injection needles and our clients report little to no pain. Nevertheless, the perception of pain is very individual, especially since we have to make several injections in the areas to be treated. We do not like to work with cooling and rarely with anaesthetic ointment in order not to endanger the full effect of the muscle relaxant treatment.
How quickly can I see an effect of the treatment?

Think of the muscle weakening effect of our muscle relaxant as a mountain climb with a great view. In the first few days, we talk about 5-6 days, the body needs time to plan the ascent, to process the effects of the muscle relaxant treatment. For the ascent to the summit, the occurrence of the smoothing of the wrinkles, it needs a few more days. As a rule, one can speak of a full effect after about 14 days. Once you have enjoyed the view at the summit, the body takes plenty of time for the descent, and the strength of the treated muscles steadily increases again.

How long does the effect of the treatment last?

We are very reluctant to talk about a duration of effect, because it depends too much on the dosage used, on the basic lifestyle and also on the activities of the clients.
Our aim is to accompany you on your path of treatment and prevention and to avoid unwanted effects such as the development of mask-like facial features. We would like to work out a roadmap with you that brings your wishes and our knowledge into harmony. From our experience so far, we can tell you that, depending on the dose chosen, complete nerve signal transmissions are restored after two to six months.
Should I expect side effects?

The side effects of our muscle relaxant in cosmetic, aesthetic applications are very manageable. Possible risks arise mainly from interactions with other medications, improper treatment or allergies. As a general rule, clarify all possible concerns with your personal doctor before having a muscle relaxant injection.

Do you find the professional qualification for your treatment with us?

There is a clear legal situation here. Muscle relaxants require a prescription and may therefore only be injected by doctors. Extensive experience in the non-surgical treatment of wrinkles, strict adherence to the cold chain, precise knowledge of sources of supply and a clear philosophy of our company, which focuses on the well-being of our customers, underline our qualifications.
What are the costs of a treatment with muscle relaxants?

This question cannot be answered seriously. Because the price depends, of course, on the muscle relaxants units used, the strategy of the treatment, the skin condition and other factors. Basically, you have to be prepared to spend a few hundred euros to achieve optimal results, simply because the medication is relatively expensive. However, it is also certain that you will usually get top results at a fair price with good advice and sensible treatment.

With Kosmagic microneedling you will experience a gentle, non-invasive anti-aging treatment; and the very next day after our treatment, you will be ‘socially acceptable’ again. With medical microneedling you can usually only go out again after a week!